I'm a pastor, so maybe you expect me to be a "tither," but even so, hang with me here a minute.
Growing up in a "church-going" household we learned about giving to church at an early age. 10 percent of my allowance had to go in the basket when the Sunday School collected an offering.
I can remember feeling ripped off that my allowance was only $.90, instead of One Dollar. Of course, my allowance WAS $1, it's just that the $.10 came right off the top, and into a miniature envelope.
But giving to church certainly felt like a law.
When I was 20 years old, and began checking out churches as adult, giving still felt like a law.
Even worse, it looked like dues.
If you pay so much, you get in the club. Once in the club, you get to demand what the club does for fun - after all you've paid for it, right?
But then I started reading the Bible, looking for giving as examples.
I couldn't help but to notice that right away, God is the biggest giver of all.
God giving light.
God giving life.
God giving everything needed for the good life.
God giving humans a second, third, fourth chance after they mess things up.
God giving Jesus, so that EVERYONE who believes won't die.
God gives. It's just what God does.
And if you believe that God has created you and me in God's image (and called us good,)
Then we are Good Givers! It's in our nature.
So giving to God is not a law, not a requirement, and certainly not dues.
Giving is who we are. Giving is our nature...
A friend of mine is about to graduate from school. My wife and I wanted to get a nice gift. We discussed our price range, and I immediately went over our goal. But you know what...our friend is worth it, the gift is perfect, and it makes me feel really good!
I'm excited when I buy a good gift!
I get a charge out of spending "a little too much" on someone.
I enjoy watching someone receive a gift.
How about you? If you feel good when you give, it's because God created us as givers.
Give Generously
Give Graciously
Give to Live
Post a comment on how you feel when you give generously.
What keeps us from giving?
Here's two places you can make a Good Gift:
St John's Mayfair Legacy Fund
ELCA Good Gifts
I never knew you had a blog, way to go Johhhhhny! Love, Leigh Anne
Hi Pr. Lee!
I would say that people view "giving" specifically as giving money, but I think that time and energy is another way to give for those of us who are struggling with tight budgets and tuition payments. Using the talents God gave you in service to others is also a great way to give graciously!
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